Byzaro Record Shop

Byzaro Record Shop is a collection of 100 AI generated images prompted to form a dramatic evolution in the iconic body of work that was at the heart of John Van Hamersveld’s illustrious album design career.

Each piece is truly unique with great care taken to retain the original artistic process while embracing the vast span of technical progress that has emerged in the last 60+ years. Titles have also been generated by AI through the visual evolution of each piece and, along with the bizarre depiction of hands, are celebrated as a dog-ear in the history books of AI art.

We are releasing 20 of the 100 total Byzaro album covers every month. 12 x 12". Editions of 5 each.

All About Byzaro Record Shop

These pieces were all created individually with great care. Using references and inspiration from John’s body of album cover artwork, images were fed into AI for a first round of interpretation. The complex algorithms then output a visual idea or sketch (much like a concept artist would) then aspects of the output that are interesting are isolated and fed back. On many occasions two or more of these outputs would be fed to AI and combined which explores the algorithms capability of interpreting and combining the assets, this would result in some truly surreal compositions. This iterative process could be repeated until John felt the piece was ready.

As John and AI get to know each other and build a pseudo-collaborative partnership, an exciting story unfolds and marks an incredible chapter in John's legacy as an innovative artist.

Coldie (Concept + Producer)
AI production by Raphael Torres assisting John Van Hamersveld

Read the full Byzaro story + meet 'The Team'